Mining Geology Group was founded in 2016 to to provide free practical knowledge for mining professionals and students. Our goal is to deliver fundamental, easy-to-understand education in an educational and (mildly) entertaining manner. Mining Geology Group's ultimate objective is to create a passionate and empowered community by providing a variety of articles, references, and resources for the mining industry with particular focus on Mine Geology, Mineral Exploration, and Resource Geology.
We're passionate about Geology and committed to providing you practical and high-quality information. We look forward to serving you and the needs of our members within the Mining Geology Group.
Dawn A. Schippe, PG
Dawn is an independent consulting geologist and geological engineer with experience in mineral exploration and production roles across a variety of commodities. She holds both Bachelor's and Master's degrees in Geological Engineering from the Colorado School of Mines, is a Professional Geologist in the U.S. State of Wyoming, and a long-time member of the Society of Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration (SME). Her background includes sediment hosted roll-front and hard rock uranium, porphyry copper-gold, orogenic gold, and construction aggregate. She is a proficient exploration geologist, mine geologist, and geological engineer with operational experience in block caving. She has also worked with a wide variety of drilling methods in a range of environments, both on surface and underground.
Erik C. Ronald, P.Geo
Erik is a Principal Resource Geologist with SRK Consulting. He has over 25 years of industry experience in technical and leadership roles across multiple commodities and countries. He obtained a Bachelor in Geology from the University of California at Santa Barbara, a Master in Geological Engineering from the Colorado School of Mines, and a Graduate Certificate in Geostatistics from Edith Cowan University. Erik has in-depth experience in iron ore, porphyry copper-gold, IOCG, epithermal, SEDEX, multiple industrial minerals including lithium, talc, borates, chlorite, gypsum & construction materials, coal, and oil & gas. He specializes in mineral exploration, mine geology, and resource estimation. Erik is a registered Professional Geologist in the U.S. States of Wyoming & North Carolina, a Professional Geologist in Ontario, and a Registered Member of SME.